If the size of the operand is not specified in the instruction, that means either that the size doesn't matter ( as in logical instructions, for instance) or that it is using a32-bit value size. 如果操作数的大小未在指令中指定,这就意味着操作数的大小并不十分重要(例如逻辑指令)或者它的大小为32位。
Since y is specified in the output operand section, the updated value in% edx is stored in-8 (% ebp), the location of y on stack. 因为y是在输出操作数部分中指定的,所以%edx中更新的值存储在-8(%ebp),堆栈上y的位置中。
Now neither operand can affect the value of the other. 现在,两个操作数的值不会相互影响。
The Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 0 if and only if each operand has the Boolean value 0. 一种布尔运算,当且仅当每个操作数都具有布尔值0时,其结果才具有布尔值0。
A threshold operation in which each operand is 0 or 1; output is 1 if and only if more than half the operands have the value 1. 每个操作数只能取或的一种阈值操作;当且仅当超过一半的操作数取值为时结果值为。
Operand is something other than a value type. 操作数不是数值类型。
That is, they change the operand rather than using just its value. 也就是说,它们会改变运算对象,而不仅仅是使用自己的值。